Hospitals and laboratories
In the laboratory and research facilities gas sensors are the most important safety devices. They are used to control toxic and flammable gases as well as oxygen content. The sensors measure concentrations in different areas. Depending on the concentrations, alarms, remote alarms and applied control functions are obtained.
Some sites have EX/Atex requirements and the equipment must also be EX/Atex approved models.
Magnetic resonance imaging device (helium leakage / oxygen depletion)
Helium leakage can cause an oxygen depletion situation in the MRI equipment room. Situations are prepared for by installing oxygen sensors in the shooting mode.
The sensors give alarms to the operator’s room and at remote alarm points.
Gaseous helium is completely odorless and non-toxic, but its danger is its rapid oxygen-displacing effect.
Equipment maintenance and sterilization (ethylene oxide)
Hospital and laboratory equipment maintenance departments use CO2-based ethylene oxide as the instrument sterilization gas for ETO autoclaves. Ethylene oxide is a colorless, flammable gas heavier than air and the substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation and through the skin in aqueous solution.
The substance is classified as carcinogenic in Finland (group 3) and the use of the substance must comply with the regulations issued by the Government.
Gas centers, nitrogen cylinder stores (oxygen deprivation)
There is always a risk of leakage in the storage rooms of nitrogen cylinders. In the event of a leak, nitrogen displaces oxygen and an oxygen depletion situation forms in the space.
Oxygen monitoring usually defines two settable limit values: a warning alarm (19%) and an emergency alarm (17%).

Sensing Oy
Kaivokatu 22
21100 Naantali
Tel: +358 2 4353 790

& safe solutions
DGT – gas detectors